1. In March we celebrated our 3 year anniversary. Wa-hoo!
2. Nate won the March Madness bracket for the Post Register and got to invite 20 friends and family members to Lucy's Pizzeria for all you can eat pizza.
3. We celebrated Easter. Can you guess which basket is from Nate and which one is from Kayla?
4. We did a little re-model project and tore out our front entry-way carpet area and sanded and stained the wood that was underneath it. It looks much better! Nate did a really good job.
5. And last but not least...Nate is going to Hait next week with Haitian Roots again. Crazy. It was a spur of the moment decision and I wish I could go with him this time but since it was a quick decision we couldn't affort both of us to go. I'm sure he will have great pictures and stories to share.