Thursday, October 16, 2014

Two Friends

These two kids of ours are so funny. When one is doing something the other one is right by their side. It's usually Kamryn following Emmett around but they both ask for the other whenever one of them is sleeping. They were meant to be so close in age. 
 This picture cracks me up because she wanted to sit by Buddy but didn't want her picture taken. 
 Just giving some loves. But don't let this moment fool you because I'm pretty sure right after they got in a fight. 
 Emmett's favorite spot and he's taught Kay Kay how to climb up on that same shelf too. 
 Just a normal day at the Esplin household. 
 Enjoying a few books with Daddy. This happens multiple times a day and it makes my heart happy. 
Love these "twins" of ours. 

Catch Up September

Our September was full of lots of laughs. We started it off with a fun filled weekend trip to Utah to visit some friends and to visit the Hogle Zoo. It was quite the adventure sleeping in a hotel room with 2 babies but we had fun and hope to get more adventurous doing more road trips with them. 

We tried to make it a point to visit the Zoo since Emmett loves animals and it was technically his birthday weekend. He didn't disappoint us and we had a ton of fun.
 Then on Labor Day this stud turned 2. What a wonderful two years it has been. They sure aren't kidding when they say time flies. We feel continually blessed to have him in our lives and in our family and we are eternally grateful for the beautiful and wonderful angel who was so selfless to allow us to be his parents. What an amazing blessing he his. And I have to say there is nothing better than to hear the words, "Love you mamma." Best sentence ever. 
 I love his sweet little voice and it will be a sad day when that voice is all grown up. 
 We also tried to hit up a bunch of the local Chuckars baseball games during September and it became a little difficult to last more than 5 or 6 innings with the littles but it was still fun. We ended up going with some friends one night and they put our names in to participate in one of the activities and our names were drawn to "Build a Hamburger" on the baseball field in between one of the innings. Let's just say we felt old as we looked at our 20 something competition. But we held our own. And if you were wondering, yes I was the bottom bun and I threatened Nate if he belly flopped on top of me. 
 This girl has turned into quite the Diva in more ways than one. She is hilarious and also knows how to belt it out when she wants something. She is becoming trouble.
 And Emmett is always making us laugh. He is quite the climber and jumper these days and I took this picture as he was saying, "Hey Mamma!"