Sunday, June 1, 2014

4 Babies and Camping

We had the best weekend with our best buds camping our hearts away! Maybe we were a bit crazy to take on a last minute camping trip with four babies in tow but it was awesome. 

Now that we have a camp trailer, it makes camping a little easier with kids...except that pretty much everything doesn't work in our trailer (another story for another day).  We were indebted to Dad Griggs for letting us borrow his generator so we could sleep with heat. 

The babes loved watching dad hook up the truck to the trailer. They might have gotten a little anxious to get on their way but we finally made it. 
 Aren't these four babies the cutest? They all love each other so much. And thank goodness for Pack N' Plays. They are lifesavers for crawling babies. 
 Sis was trapped a lot but she still had a good time.
 These two are the best of buds!! They were constantly hugging each other. And of course there was a lot of throwing rocks and playing in the dirt along with the hugs.  
 We gave up cleaning the little guy. He had a great time anyway. 
 Daddy and Kamryn enjoying each other's company. 
 Our dear wonderful friends!!! 
 And this is a typical picture of our life. Nate laughing his head off as Kamryn spills his drink all over herself and of course I'm getting mad about it. 
 Among the good food, the fun chats, and the sleepless night (I almost got the saw out to cut down a tree that was scraping the side of our trailer), we were able to come across some horses on our 10 meter walk and the guys were so nice and let the kids pet them and get on top of them. Mel and Emmett were the only ones to venture on a horse. Emmett may have called it a cow and said, "moo", We will have to work on that. 
 What a fun camp-out! Can't wait to do it again Mel and Kel and little buddies!!

Ready for Summer

These nice days are the best! We have been having so much fun outside and every one is so much happier about life too. 

Kamryn and Emmett's favorite thing is to crawl inside the dog house. (It might as well get some use since the dog doesn't use it).
 Emmett can't go anywhere without his Daddy. He was so mad watching Nate mow the lawn without him so he had to ride on his shoulders. A good workout for Nate. I love how he holds on to Nate's ears as he rides along.
 We finally broke out the tandem bike. It's only been 2 years since we've had it. We have gone a couple of times and we still need to perfect the situation with the babies riding along in the bike carrier. They don't exactly like their helmets clinking against each other nor do they like to ride so close together. There is a lot of fighting going on in the back, but they do get excited every time we put their helmets on them.
And we don't make it very far on our rides. Around the block is all we can do right now but hopefully by the end of the summer we can actually make it for a good solid 30 minutes. 
 The pool and slide are the new favorite toys for the yard. Emmett is a fish in the water and loves it. Sis doesn't get too close and will lose it if her toe touches water. Hopefully she will warm up.
 But come on now...isn't she adorable in her little swimming suit?!
 This dude could spend all of his time playing in the water. He wanted me to get the hose out at 9:00am one morning but I decided maybe he could just paint with water instead. A good alternative. It was still a little cold outside. 
Bring on the summer days!