Saturday, March 29, 2014

How We Pass the Time

Where in the world does the time go?! I blink and a week has passed. I don't think I like that very much. But we sure love passing the time with these babies of ours.

Now that the weather is somewhat more decent (depending on the day) we love getting out and going to the park. The other day we decided to put them in the bike carrier and walk around with them. As you can see Kamryn is soaking it all up and loving it while Emmett does not like his space intruded upon.
Then there are other moments where we build forts because it is too cold outside and they both love it! I love how an angle of a picture can really put about 5-8 pounds of extra weight on a baby. 
We also like to pass the time reading books in our sunglasses because sometimes it's just too bright inside the house...
...and then there's moments when we just need to practice the piano out of our animal book. 
We love watching this little girl grow and explore like crazy (She's 9 months already!)
And sometimes she gets treats stuck on the side of her cute little face. 
Some of our favorite things to do to pass the time is just to sit and watch our babies (we laugh quite a bit), Emmett loves feeding himself and pretty much will eat anything these days if he can dip it in ketchup. (I usually have to wash our curtains about once a week). 
 And Kamryn makes us laugh with her awesome "Medusa" hair. It may be time for a haircut. 
What's more fun than watching these two munchkins on the video camera trying to go to sleep?
Good thing I put up a crib railing protector or someone might chew through his crib.  
 I'm pretty sure she knows we were looking at her. The funny thing was she was holding really still too and just staring at the ceiling. 
Good thing we have these wonderful memories while the time passes us by way too quickly!

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Ode to the Outdoors

Being outside is sure good for the soul....and good for the temperament of two certain babies. We are all really hoping these nice days aren't just for teasing. 

Anytime Nate and I run outside for a quick second this is what we see...
 Yes there are usually a lot of baby slobbers plastered on the glass.
 The glass can get pretty disgusting.
 But I keep cleaning it off so they have a nice clean window to look through.
They love going for stroller rides. Although  I really have to make sure Emmett is properly belted in or else he likes to try and sneak out. 
 I can't believe I got a picture of him standing still because he is usually running all over the place the minute he touches ground.
 And this little girl is just happy to be along for the ride. (And yes that is my handiwork of strapping her in. I might have been in a bit of a hurry).
 Last Saturday while Nate was camping in the snow, we decided to go to the park and we ran into Grandpa and Grandma, Aunt Heidi, Aunt Hannah and Uncle Brig. And this little dude got to ride on the scooter. So fun!
Bring on the sunshine! We sure love it!