Tuesday, July 22, 2014

July Happenings

Our fun continues into July. We started out the month with a very fun cabin stay in Island Park with the Robinson clan. It was great to be with everyone since this basically only happens once a year.Nate was only able to spend half the time with us but we enjoyed every minute.

We spend a lot of time four-wheeling (Emmett loved it despite this picture)...
 ...and we spent a lot of time floating and playing in the Buffalo River. 
There was also a lot of silliness and...
 ...some time chill-axing in bed with me on my phone since Sis may have kept us up a few nights in a row and Emmett tried to escape (and succeeded) out of his Pack N Play a few times.
Emmett loved playing with his cousins.
 Sis enjoyed her time too except for nights when she struggled to sleep (The next week 2 top teeth popped in. Coincidence? I think not). 
 All of the cousins minus little Sis. She napped a lot. It was a beautiful place to stay and we sure enjoyed ourselves. 
The festivities continued on into the 4th of July. We ventured up to Rexburg to enjoy the parade and spend more time with the family. 
 Emmett loved everything about the parade...except for the loud firetruck. It was extremely hot!! Even after slathering the babies with sunscreen Kamryn still got sunburned on her arm. 
We spent the rest of the day at Grandma and Grandpa's playing with toys and in the water and perfecting the water balloon launchers. There may have been a few casualties. 
Then we enjoyed some curb side fireworks. Emmett didn't so much enjoy it but Sis thought it was fantastic. 
Nate's 33rd!!! birthday fell on a Saturday and he picked camping as his activity. He wanted to try somewhere new we have never been and I readily agreed. Next time we might research a bit beforehand. We decided to go to the Blackfoot Reservoir thinking there would be lots of trees and lots of fun water to play in.  And we thought it was weird we never heard of anyone going there...ever. There is a reason...it is complete desolation. But we decided to make the most of it even after we got a flat on the way. 
 It was pretty but we couldn't find one place to camp until we figured out after an hour and a half drive around the reservoir there was a camp ground which we had to pay $20 for. The water ended up being really mossy and gross. You only wanted to be in it if you fished on a boat. 
 Our night was crazy and Emmett ended up throwing up on Nate pretty badly. Happy birthday to you Nate!! But we did have some of the family come up to celebrate and we ended up venturing over to Hooper Springs for some fresh Soda water after we fixed the flat. We were ready to venture home when all was said and done. 
One day in July we had a fun little time at Rigby Lake with cousins before they headed back home. They were so good with Emmett and he loved every minute with them. 
 The babies got nice and dirty and both loved the water.
We have spent the rest of July playing in more water at Lava Hot Springs and over at Grandma's when she has flooded the lawn and hanging out with family as much as we can. 

June Happenings

Our summer has been jammed packed so far! It seems like we have been all over the place but we have enjoyed most of the summer and are looking forward to more adventures! 

June was a busy one. Unfortunately it started out with my Grandpa Robinson's funeral. However we are all happy he is now with my grandma and it's always a nice time to contemplate his life and all of the fun memories we shared with grandpa and grandma. I was able to accompany my brother while he sang a beautiful song at the funeral and Nate was chasing two naughty babies in the hall and playing with them in the parking lot during the funeral. 
 All the cousins were there except for one who was still serving his mission. 
In the middle of June we celebrated Kay Kay's 1st birthday! Oh my goodness what a year it has been. I am glad to say we are in this stage of life. But it is hard to see your baby turn into a toddler. She decided to walk a few weeks before her birthday and now the house is full of two crazies!! We had family over and gave her a milk and cookies party. 
 She was very spoiled and loved all of her fun presents. (Emmett did too.)
This girl loves necklaces and has to always have one on. By the time she was able to smash into her little cake she didn't feel very well and pretty much screamed and I wasn't able to get any pictures of that because my camera broke. Maybe that was for the best. 
 Towards the end of June we went to the Owens annual camping family reunion up by Soda Springs. The babies were very excited to try out their new camp chairs and I was excited to camp in a trailer this year with a toilet and with two babies. 
We have a lot of cute pictures of this fun camping trip but I don't have access to any of them yet. The babies got nice and dirty!

The rest of June was spent having lots of fun in the sun and water and fighting over treasured toys at grandma's house.