Last Thursday Nate decided he needed one last Hurrah before he went back to work so he chose to go to a Jazz Game. I couldn't complain. His sister Heidi ended up coming with us. Nate must have been really excited because we ended up getting there about 2 hours early....but there were perks.
First off we got to see Jeff Hornacek. Yeah I know, a blurry picture. What a suprise. But it was still fun to see him helping the players warm up.
And my favorite of all time. Nate with Thurl Bailey. Priceless picture. Nate looks like an excited little kid. He turned away before I was able to take the picutre and was actually saying thank-you. Gotta love it.
Our seats. We had to squint a few times but it was worth it.
And a little V-Day love. (Don't mind the lady in the background). Even though we drove back that night and got home around 3:30am, it was well worth it!