Tuesday, July 26, 2011


My cute little niece was in town for a couple of weeks so I decided to invite her over for a little sleep-over. We had so much fun! I brought out all my old Barbies and accessories and she loved playing with them. I think she would have played all night with them if I let her! We had a great night full of playing with barbies, painting our nails, going to eat at McDonald's, getting ice cream at Reed's Dairy, watching a movie with homemade popcorn, and building a fort to sleep in. Thank-goodness I didn't make her sick with all the food and treats! 
Paige making a house out of the Barbie furniture and accessories.
Our beautiful painted finernails and toes.
And last but not least...the fort to sleep under. Nate wasn't home to help make the fort and that is why it's pretty small, but I don't think anyone noticed!

Thanks Paige for the fun night! I wished you lived closer so we could have sleep-overs all the time!


Beth Willmore said...

What a cute aunt you are! All little kids love forts too - way to go!!

eL said...

You're such a great aunt, but I can't believe you didn't ride on a stake board with her... like we use to do. :) JK.
Miss you.

Amber said...

Aw, what a good aunt you are!