Thursday, June 14, 2012

Out of Shape?

A couple of days ago instead of getting up at 5:30 in the morning and running with a few friends like I normally do, I decided to sleep in. Because let's face it, I am on summer vacation and this early morning stuff is not fun. Since I didn't run early in the morning when the temperatures were nice and cool and I decided to run on our treadmill in the late morning to save me from heat exhaustion. About half a mile into my run I'm thinking, "What is wrong with me? I am super tired and my legs feel like they are going to fall off!"  Then about a mile into my run I am thinking, "I am going to die and my lungs are going to burst!" I tried talking myself out of it because I normally run about 3-4 times a week. I was thinking it was probably me just not waking up yet. At 2 miles I was really struggling and decided to walk. I was trying to figure out why I was having such a difficult run when I noticed that the treadmill was on an incline of 5.0. I have no idea how I didn't notice that when I hopped on the treadmill. (Call it a blonde moment). So basically I was running up a steep hill for 2 miles before I realized anything. Let's just say I felt like power woman instead of the lazy out-of-shape lady I thought I was!
And I thought this was pretty funny. Totally me.


Brady and Amber said...

HAHA!!! Love it!!!!

Unknown said...

thats right! and i know that you run with a pack of mini m&m's in a yellow case when you run too, karla!

Beth Willmore said...

Ha ha ha - so funny! At least you were running on a 5.0 incline - I really would have been just been plain dying! (Especially when I realized that I was just trying to run to my mailbox...)