Monday, January 6, 2014

Our Top 5 Holiday Picks

Hello 2014!
We had an awesome Holiday season this year. We spent a lot of time with family and there is no better way to celebrate the season. Here is a condensed version of our festivities simplified to our top 5 events.

#1 An Early Christmas with Ma and Pa Robinson

We played and played and ate lots and lots of food. (I think this was the start of why I maybe gained 10 pound over the holidays. But is was worth it!)

We had to make sure to get a cute picture of the babies with their stockings Grandma made for them.
 Emmett had lots of fun playing with his new toys (spoiled) and some toys at Grandpa and Grandma's. He especially loved the tunnel. 
 Kamryn was just so dang cute and happy pretty much the entire time!
 The babies received a very fun giraffe chair. They love it. (Did I mention they are spoiled?)
And it wouldn't be Christmas without a good ol' T-Bone Steak for breakfast. I think this might be Nate's favorite Robinson tradition. Don't worry, we all had our own this size.

#2 Bachelor's Party

The brother's that were available decided to have a Bachelor's party with the new to be brother-in-law Jake. 

Yep, they dressed up in singlets and wrestled. Disgusting. At least they wore shirts underneath? I would have gone with the pants like Jason. Just saying. 

#3 Christmas with the Esplin Clan

It was our year to celebrate Christmas with the Esplins and everyone was there this year. It was so wonderful to be with everyone. We laughed and laughed and continued to eat a lot! And of course the babies got spoiled.

I think my favorite part was watching the cousins get together. These two boys love each other! What's better than bonding together while bathing?
 They copied and followed each other everywhere. 
 And these two cuties are only 5 days apart! We had to compare the chunkiness of legs. I think Kamryn lost. 

#4 The Wedding

A few days after Christmas Heidi and Jake tied the knot. What a crazy whirlwind of events. The reception turned out great and Heidi looked beautiful! (Just wish I would have taken more pictures of the happy couple. And of course we forgot our camera at the Temple so no documentation on our part).

All the nieces and nephews. Emmett was not too happy about this. 
 Our little family. I love them!
 The little cousins all dressed up so cute!
 These two boys enjoyed pushing Kay Kay up and down the halls in the stroller. Thank goodness for that entertainment or it would have been a long night. 
 All the cousins. Aren't they adorable in their little wedding outfits?!

#5 New Years Back in the 'Burg

We played more games and ate a lot more food. (I'm not going to lie, it kind of feels good to eat healthy again and get back in the groove of things. My pants definitely fit a bit better).

Emmett (a spoiled boy) received a very cute snow ensemble from Grandma and Grandpa and we had to test it out in the snow. He was hesitant at first but ended up enjoying sledding around the driveway. 
 He kind of reminded us of the little brother all dressed up in his snow gear on "The Christmas Story."
We might have laughed a little hard while letting Kamryn try on these sweet glasses.
 And we had to incorporate Nate's family tradition by running barefoot in the snow at midnight, I don't enjoy this tradition nor do I understand it. This is why my feet aren't touching the ground. Poor Nate ended up getting cuts all over his feet. But that's better than the year everyone got frostbite.....
We sure enjoyed our wonderful Holiday Season and loved every minute of it!


markandjenny said...

Oh my goodness. You're so fun! Your holidays sound amazing. Can we catch up sometime please!?

Mel Eppich said...

Oh how I love you friend! The babies are absolutely adorable and I can't wait to see them! What fun, and crazy, traditions:)

Beth Willmore said...

Yay what a fun holiday with your cute kids! Love all the pictures (except for the singlet one, I feel like that one might give me nightmares?...)

Also - you are the smartest woman alive!!! Way to go not being dumb and running barefoot in the snow! :)

Why didn't you mention that the very best part of your New Years Eve was when you saw me for 1.5 minutes at my house? I mean c'mon, that was MY favorite part of the whole month!

Unknown said...

So many funny photos! Kamryn in those glasses, her expression is perfect. And I think that singlet photo might stick in my mind a little longer than I'd like! I loved seeing your cute babies!

Unknown said...

so many great traditions. i hope you put your bare toes in the snow too miss karla! i know i've said it before, i'll say it again: nate looks great! all that nursing has really made him skinny ;)