Thursday, February 21, 2013

Little Cutie

I know I say this every time but this little cutie boy of ours is growing up so fast! He is now rolling all over the place and I can't turn my back on him or he might get wedged into something. Little E man loves to explore everything and of course thinks all items need to go directly into his mouth.

His new favorite toy is this awesome ExerSaucer we got on loan from a friend. He thinks it's pretty neat that he can jump up and down in it. (The shadow on his face makes it look like his hair grew a few inches). 
 No more swaddling Emmett for naps and bed. He loves having his arms out which allows him to move all over the place and his favorite position is sleeping stuck up in the corner of his crib. Another thing I have to keep a close eye on.
Last but not least we love the belly laughs Emmett gives us every day. His dad sure knows the best way to get him to laugh the hardest! 


Beth Willmore said...

Love the shot of him sleeping in the corner of his crib. So cute! Also really loved the belly laugh, he is the cutest little kid!

You should get 2 baby wraps, and wrap E on the front and the baby on the back and you could be the most awesome multi-tasking mom ever! It's only problematic if the baby on your back needs something, or you want to lay down...

Karen Whyte said...

He is so cute! I can't wait to see him again!

Mel Eppich said...

Brody loves to sleep with his face/head wedged in the corner of his crib too- these crazy kids! boy do I miss that little guy!