I'm going to be vain for a little bit.
I'm having a major hair crisis. (I know you're probably laughing but hear me out). About 6 months ago I noticed that my hair was really breaking off in one spot on the top of my head. Well fast forward 6 months and the breakage ended up taking over the whole right side of my head. I had to resort to wearing my hair up everyday. And I can't blow dry it or it ends up having the texture of a black lady's hair and it smells rancid. Not my favorite thing. (You know it's bad when your husband leans over at church and says, "What in the heck is that smell?!") It kept getting worse so I finally decided maybe I should check it out.
So I make an appointment with my dermatologist.
I tell him my history. Nothing out of the normal. He sees Emmett and says, "Well you just had a baby. That's normal for your hair to do weird things." Not quite, but good observation.
He looks confused so he calls in his colleague. They look at my hair like it's infected. The colleague takes out her magnifying glass and just says, "Hmmm, I've never seen this before."
Thanks. I feel good.
After about 10 minutes they decided to take my blood to draw some labs. While that is being done they said they would look through all their books to see if there is anything that will give them answers. I'm feeling pretty good at this point.
They come back in and tell me they have no idea what is going on with my hair. Well there's $100 down the drain.
Then one of the dermatologist says, "Tell you what, why don't you come to my book club tomorrow night."
"It's where all the dermatologists come together and look at patients we can't quite figure out"
Awesome. Kind of like a petting zoo situation?
I figured it couldn't hurt so I go in the next night after hours. I tell the receptionist, "Hi, I'm here for book club." I swear she looked at me with a sympathetic face. Then she led me to a room where I waited for a few minutes. I could hear all the dermatologists in another room studying another poor patient. Then it was my turn. I was right. I felt like I was in a petting zoo.
They all studied my hair. I heard a lot of "hmmm's" and "oh". Not good. Then after about 20 minutes they decided it's probably chemical damage. Not sure if I believe that because I stopped highlighting my hair about 6 months ago when I noticed the breakage. And it got worse after that. But that's their consensus.
So I ask, "What can I do for it?"
The answer: "Really nothing. You will just have to wait for it to grow out in a couple of years. But make sure you don't highlight it."
I again ask if there is anything I can do for it because it's embarrassing and pretty stinky and noticeable when I wear it down. One of the dermatologists says, "Oh you will notice more than anyone else." Then he walks behind me and says," Oh yeah, that is pretty noticeable."
So here I am waiting for my hair to grow out. It is getting a bit better but I have some pretty fun rooster tails all the time. I try to do a good job and cover it up.
Seriously. The pictures don't do it justice. I guess I will just have to wait a couple of years. No biggie.